16 teams and clubs awarded Cedric Walker Development Grants for Fall ‘18

by Steve Underwood

The National Scholastic Athletics Foundation is proud to announce the 16 high schools, track and field clubs/organizations that will receive Cedric Walker Development Grants for Fall, 2018. The diverse group includes recipients from 13 states, ranging from Maine to Minnesota, and Florida to Arizona. And those receiving grants aren’t only schools and traditional clubs, but also organizations like the Association for Blind Athletes of New Jersey, the Greater Rumford Community Center in Maine, and the Rolling Thunder Special Needs Program in Minnesota.

This is the sixth year that the NSAF has awarded grants in honor of the late Cedric Walker, who passed shortly after the March, 2013 New Balance Nationals Indoor meet. Cedric was an “irreplaceable” part of the NSAF, a beloved family member and meant so much for so many people. He served the sport for more than 20 years – as a board member; founder of the Flower City TC in Rochester, New York; and as a coach, mentor and team manager at many levels, from local to international. Please see Joy Kamani’s memorial.

The full list:

  • Tri-City Striders Youth Track, Phenix, AL
  • Peoria High School Track and Field, Peoria, AZ
  • Teon Elite Track Club, Miami, FL
  • Peoria Inner City Track Club, Peoria, IL
  • M.A.D.E. Training, Monroe, LA
  • Dundalk High School, Baltimore, MD
  • Greater Rumford Community Center, Rumford, ME
  • Ann Arbor Youth Track Club, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Eagles Wings Track Club, Minneapolis, MN
  • Rolling Thunder Special Needs Program, Mounds View, MN
  • Port City Track Club, Wilmington, NC
  • Assn. for Blind Athletes of New Jersey, Belmar, NJ
  • Flower City Track Club, Rochester, NY
  • Newburgh Elite Track Club, Newburgh, NY
  • FamilyPoint Resources SPEED, Houston, TX
  • H-Town Track Club, Rosenburg, TX

The grants generally range in amount from $300 to $1000, and their purpose is for “development” -- to help teams and clubs improve their facilities, purchase any needed equipment, meet various needs of their student-athletes, facilitate coaches' education and more.

Each recipient must also participate in a volunteer service project in their community. They are also encouraged to pledge to “Win with Integrity,” referring to a former USATF program that embodies much of the spirit of this grant and our Foundation.

We look forward to hearing about and publishing stories, photos and videos of the activities of these clubs and teams, both in terms of their community service projects and the goals they are able to accomplish with these funds. Please send us your photos and videos!

More about the NSAF grant programs.

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