Virtual Athlete Performance Mastery Summit offers elite professionals to help YOU become your best!

by Steve Underwood

The Athlete Performance Mastery Summit is a new, free, virtual event which includes presentations by more than a dozen coaches, sports medicine and sports performance professionals connected with the track and field community – and all focused on bringing out the best in athletes. Sponsored in part by the National Scholastic Athletics Foundation – the event spans the 10 weekdays from Monday, August 17th through Friday, August 28th.

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The presenters include world-renowned elite Olympic T&F coach Dan Pfaff, internationally respected sports nutritionist Nancy Clark and five members of the NSAF Medical Staff: Sports Psychologist Dr. Margaret Ottley, Physical Therapist Dr. Elizabeth Wheeler Julich, Orthopedist Dr. Amadeus Mason, Muscular Therapist Claudia “Sparky” Chapel and NYU Athletic Trainer Matthew Devens.

The five above-mentioned Team NSAF professionals have collectively served at dozens of the Foundation’s events, including Indoor and Outdoor National Championships; Team NSAF competitive team trips in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and Iceland; and many others.

The Summit was created by Thomas Church, a licensed massage therapist, certified running coach and the owner of Physiotivity. Hosted by Mr. Church and Greta Hauberg, the Summit is designed to equip athletes to “become better at using many disciplines of coaching and sports medicine, from preventing injuries to return to play and everything in between.” Among the other presenters are ALTIS Lead Performance Therapist Jas Randhawa, ALTIS Lead Strength & Power Coach Jason Hettler, Chiropractor Dr. Alex Duma, and special guest Neely Spence Gracey – a professional distance runner with a 2:35 marathon PR.

Benefits of the Summit include learning how to stay healthier, recognizing when to have injuries assessed, learning how to return to action stronger, and truly understanding the disciplines that each speaker has to offer.

In a video on the Summit’s home page, Mr. Church spoke to those wanting to further their knowledge as athletes and make better use of the many disciplines of coaching and sports medicine when it comes to injuries. On a Facebook post, he noted he was putting on a summit for “any athletes who are injured, might become injured, and won’t admit to being injured.” In doing all this, he’s assembled an incredible group of professions whose combined talents represent the best in a holistic approach to creating the best possible space for athletes to excel and stay healthy – and even how to make best use of the down time that inevitably comes with training and performing at the highest level.

The 10 days of presentations are free, lots of great prizes will be raffled off during the Summit, and all are invited to register!

  • Register HERE at to join us!
  • Join the Athlete Performance Mastery Facebook Group HERE


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